Our Value Proposition
Veterans, Spouses and Caregivers build their foundation and focus for their future endeavors. It begins with regaining their identity, understanding their value proposition, and aligning those values with their personal and professional goals.
Empower veterans through the exploration and preparation strategies to enter a new career, merging current skills with new skill development, and develop and initiate a plan to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Elevate their lives through the execution of a highly developed plan that enables them to pursue their career aspirations, triumph over the obstacles they will undoubtedly face during the transition process and prepare them to advocate on behalf of Veteran causes.
From VCP’s perspective, your identity is founded in strengths, values, and purpose, because these provide you with the fundamentals to succeed in whatever future adventure you chose to pursue.
Coaches continual growth and Professional development, earn valuable hours toward higher coaching certifications, access to a highly capable coaching pool, build community.
Society gains access to veterans, spouses, and caregivers with professional skills, who are thoroughly prepared to compete for employment and business opportunities and contribute to society as a highly functioning/productive citizen. This solves the societal challenge of how to contribute to veterans and their families as their civic duty. The nation must give their best to veterans because veterans have given their best to the nation.