Coaching Development

VCP Coaching Stratagem™ prepares the coach to recognize the factors, internal or external, that impact a coaching session, and enables the coach to continuously adapt their coaching approach to influence the outcome of the coaching engagement.

Coaching - Evidenced based Coaching (Tools, Frameworks, Methodologies)

Movement - Continuous Forward Movement (Behavioral Change)

Results - Realistic Results (Goals and Objectives)

VCP ‘Hip Pocket’ Workshops™ are brief informational sessions delivered in a rotational format are designed to develop a deep understanding of military culture, provide access to a wealth of knowledge pertaining to military topics, and increase awareness of the veteran experience during the transition process.

VCP Coaching Forum™ is derived from the VCP Coaching Stratagem™ , the VCP Coaching Forum™ creates a space for coaches to exchange ideas, share coaching techniques, express challenges/triumphs, and provide constructive feedback in a peer-to-peer environment. The VCP Coaching Stratagem™ enhances their coaching capability, while the VCP Coaching Forum™ is the process of curating and perfecting their own coaching style.

The goal is to develop a set of skills and an acute awareness that enables the coach to adapt to the coaching engagement. The value of the VCP Coaching Forum™ is that it allows coaches to be innovative and creative during the coaching process, to continuously enhance their coaching development.

Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning environment where coaches can reflect on their practice, develop their skills, and gain support. It can involve a more experienced coach acting as a supervisor, or a group of coaches working together.

Coaching supervision can help coaches:

  • Improve their practice: By reflecting on their work, viewing situations from different perspectives, and gaining reassurance that they're making the right choices

  • Build their capacity: Through reflective dialogue that offers support and development opportunities

  • Understand themselves and their clients: By sharing their successes and failures, and learning from each other